There is a company called Edsor KRONEN in Germany which manufactures high quality ties. I visited their head office in Berlin but the very mature lady in the office did not know the origin of the name. They did not seem to have any connection with Edsor as a family name. They tend to be a tadge expensive but superb quality and it's great having the Edsor label on the back.
The only Edsor known to have emigrated to the USA suffered a name change on arrival and became Samuel Edsall. There are a good number of Edsalls on the eastern seaboard of the USA to this day. There are a very small number of Edsoren families in the USA but I do not know if they are connected with Edsors.
I believe the oldest living Edsor is Tony Edsor who lives in Norfolk and is 78 and the youngest, Amelia Edsor, is 9.
Taken on 26th October 2004 at City of London Cemetery adjacent to Wanstead Flats
VERTICAL:- left to right
Son - Harry Edsor 1992 -
Father - Jake Edsor 1966 -
Grandfather - Simon Edsor 1945 -
Great Grandfather - Harold Edsor 1916 - 2005
Great great grandmother - Ada Edsor 1896 - 1935
Great great great grandfather - Henry David James Edsor 1867 - 1942
....and for the glamour
Harry's sisters, Bobbie and Ellie